The Impact of Facial Profiles on Work and Personal Relationships

Can facial profiles tell us more about a person’s personality, relationships, and what might happen in their life? The answer is really interesting. In this blog, we will dive into the fascinating topic of facial profiling and how it affects our relationships, work, and how we see ourselves. We also look at how knowing about facial features can change how we communicate in relationships and as leaders. Alan Stevens, a seasoned expert in the field, shares what he’s learned from twenty years of experience. 


man with serious expression - facial profiles


Everybody Is A Profiler

As young children, we naturally look at people and judge them based on how they look and act. We learn about our family and others by watching their expressions and body language. But as we grow up and become familiar with our family and surroundings, we don’t pay as much attention to this skill. Our brains take in a lot of information every second, but we only pay attention to a small part.  Instead, we focus on playing sports, going to school, and having fun. This means we often forget how important it is to understand people, especially in places like work where getting along with everyone is crucial.


Why is facial profiling important in the workplace and for leaders? 

Understanding personalities helps leaders choose the best people for different tasks and roles. Happy employees tend to be more productive. Matching team members with the right roles based on their skills and preferences leads to a happier work environment. Another way to use facial profiling in the workplace is when determining whether someone has mental motive or physical motive. Team members with more mental motivation can do the analytical and strategic parts of the project, while those with physical motivation can be trusted to apply and execute tasks efficiently. It’s important to recognize and leverage these differences to build strong teams. 

Another example is how people’s facial profiles can reveal their confidence levels. Alan explains that individuals with narrow faces often build their confidence over time, while those with wider faces may possess innate confidence. For instance, individuals with innate self-confidence may excel in situations where they need to take charge and present ideas confidently. When it comes to presentations or public speaking, the person with innate self-confidence may appear more composed and confident to the audience, even if they have similar knowledge as someone who builds their confidence. On the other hand, those who build their confidence may perform better in tasks that require careful planning and attention to detail.


Check out Alan’s courses: The Science and Art of Reading People


Relationships and Effective Communication

Every trait has its positives and negatives; it’s the balance of life. Traits show us where a person excels and finds joy, but they can also present challenges in specific situations. In the example, Alan discusses how communication dynamics can impact relationships between individuals with aesthetic appreciation and dramatic appreciation traits.

Alan describes how aesthetic appreciation is reflected in eyebrow shapes, especially those with a more horizontal orientation. On the other hand, dramatic appreciation is seen in eyebrows that angle downwards towards the outside or have a rapid rise at a 45-degree angle. Traditionally, these traits were associated with specific genders, but societal roles have evolved, blurring these distinctions.

Individuals with dramatic appreciation tend to express themselves with flair, excelling in performances and presentations. However, they may also amplify stress reactions. Conversely, those with aesthetic appreciation may appear laid-back and unaffected by pressure but they tend to withdraw when stressed, potentially sulking. 

Understanding these traits helps in setting expectations and communicating effectively. For instance, acknowledging someone’s aesthetic or dramatic appreciation can guide how support or feedback is delivered. It’s about respecting their need for space or active engagement, depending on their preference.


Building Rapport with Others

Every trait influences others, but it’s essential not to assume that you can fully understand someone by focusing on just one aspect. When interacting with someone, pay attention to what stands out the most and how different traits complement each other. However, it’s also important to reflect on your traits as this will also affect how you perceive the other person.

Each culture has its own spectrum of traits, including varying levels of confidence, space requirements, self-reliance, and more. It’s important to recognize these differences and adjust our understanding accordingly. For example, when interacting with individuals from different cultures, we may need to slightly shift our baseline understanding to accommodate their cultural norms. This involves observing where they fall on the spectrum within their culture and making allowances based on that observation.


A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. But the thing is you learn each bit. You learn, you apply, you use it in that context and then you add more to it. -Alan Stevens


woman with a serious expression - facial profiles


The Dangers of Facial Profiling

When we lack the necessary skills, it’s easy to become judgmental when observing people and their behaviors. In profiling individuals, gathering as much relevant information as possible is crucial. If all the pieces align harmoniously, then that’s the direction things are likely to go. However, you should make note of any mismatch or inconsistency and consider other factors that could be affecting that. One example Alan discussed that stands out is when someone crosses their arms, a gesture often interpreted as being closed off or untrustworthy. However, it is also a natural gesture for someone who might just be trying to keep themselves warm in a cold room.

Others could end up using this skill to manipulate people. The key is in how we apply this knowledge. For instance, using it to build better relationships can yield positive outcomes. It’s always the intent behind our actions and how we use our understanding of human behavior that matters most.


Manipulating people just means you’ve got to continue doing that all the time. It’s too much like hard work. If I can build a relationship with somebody, they want to do what I want them to do because we’ve built the rapport. -Alan Stevens


Alan’s Role As A Personal Trainer

Alan sees his role as akin to a personal trainer for understanding oneself better, helping individuals reconnect with their innate instincts without biases. He emphasizes the significance of considering past experiences that may influence trust and connections with others. Just as facial expressions can evoke varied responses, Alan believes that understanding and engaging with someone based on their personality fosters better communication in personal and work relationships.

There’s nothing wrong with anybody, but the communication is wrong.

When addressing your team, consider their communication preferences. Some prefer a high-level overview, while others are more analytical. If you’re constantly walking around with a scowl, your team may naturally pull back from you. However, if one day you begin to smile more often, you’ll notice a shift in their behavior. It won’t happen overnight; initially, they might be a bit suspicious, wondering why you’re suddenly behaving differently. But with consistent positive behavior, it gradually becomes the norm, and they become more comfortable and responsive to your needs, as well. 


Facial features give us the personality. It doesn’t give us the character. -Alan Stevens


The Future of Using Facial Profiles To Understand Human Traits

Understanding people and building instant rapport are essential for fostering meaningful connections, and forming the foundation for confident leadership. Will facial profiling become a powerful tool to achieve these goals? 

Alan has developed flashcards focusing on major traits for kids, with each card featuring a physical feature and explanations on the back about what the trait means, how to measure it, and how to communicate with someone who exhibits that trait. By putting these cards in the hands of children, he aims to facilitate and empower children to understand themselves and others better and create a ripple effect in society.

Now, Alan’s latest venture into understanding human traits involves a collaboration with a palm print specialist in Switzerland, delving into the correlation between handprints and facial profiles. 

If you want to delve deeper into this topic, tune in to our podcast episode The Impact of Facial Profiles and Personality, where we also discuss facial profiling techniques applied to analyze the traits of notable personalities like Oprah Winfrey and Joe Rogan. 

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