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42. How to Design a Kindness Culture

by | Jan 25, 2021 | 2 comments

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Culture of Leadership
42. How to Design a Kindness Culture



Randy McNeely lives and breathes kindness and he has dedicated his life to sharing ways to be kind and getting a culture of kindness engrained into organisations. Randy has written a book on the topic of kindness called “The Kindness Givers Formula” and in it, he shares how acts of kindness have the powerful ability to change people’s day (and even change lives in some instances). 

In this episode, Brendan chats to Randy about his journey into teaching individuals and organisations to leverage kindness to improve their world and the world of people around them. They go into how being kind, actually has the power to make the person being kind, feel good. Yes, scientific evidence that shows that kindness literally goes both ways. Being kind is easier than it may seem in the moment and the more you look for opportunities to be kind, the more such opportunities will tend to arise. This will, in turn, mean cultivating a Circle of Kindness and positivity all around you. So whether it’s in your business or personal life, Randy reminds us about the BIG impact a small act of kindness can have. 

Randy is truly passionate about his mission to get the world to become a kinder place – and boy, we can all do with a kinder world, right?

Discussion Points:

  • Meaning of PEPOK
  • Why Randy values Kindness
  • Memorable moments of kindness
  • The Meaning of Chief kindness officer
  • Practical Actions:  Kindness by Design, The Circle of Kindness
  • Kindness Givers Formula
  • Examples of kindness
  • Kindness in organisations filters down
  • Societal Climate change
  • Our thoughts precede our actions
  • The Daily Dose of Positive book series


Brendan Rogers Website

Brendan Rogers LinkedIn

The Culture of Leadership Podcast Website

The Culture of Leadership LinkedIn

The Culture of Leadership Facebook Page

Randy McNeely LinkedIn

PEPOK Institute

Kindness in Action


Designing a Culture of Kindness


If you have any questions for Brendan around this episode or generally around culture, leadership or teamwork, feel free to contact him here.

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  1. Randy McNeely

    What a wonderful opportunity I had to be on with you Brendan. Thank you for your kindness in having me on your amazing show.

    I appreciate you!

    • Brendan Rogers

      The pleasure was all mine Randy. Thank you so much for the dedication and commitment you have to your work and spreading the power of kindness.


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