How to Inspire Others as a Leader


“To grow people, you have to believe in them. They have to believe that you believe in them.”

Brendan Rogers


Learning how to inspire others as a leader will move you from an average leader to an excellent leader. There are three actions, repeated consistently, that will do it!

In today’s episode, Brendan has been put in the hot seat as the interviewer becomes the interviewee. He’s been working hard in the background creating frameworks by utilising both his material and IP, combined with material shared in the episodes of The Culture of Leadership (TCoT) Podcast, to focus on developing leaders in the workplace.

Change is in the air for the Culture of Leadership. 

It is time for the show’s producer, Marc Charette, to get inquisitive and ask a few questions of his own in order to find out how to stand out as a leader. Brendan says, “If we get the individual working well and moving forward from a leadership capacity perspective, then the influence and the impact they have on the rest of the group is absolutely massive.”

Brendan’s goal is to make leaders stand out by being better than average. He does this by leveraging his P.E.O.P.L.E. System. The P.E.O.P.L.E. System powers the eight essentials of business and is fundamental to moving people forward, making progress and helping them be more confident leaders. The P.E.O.P.L.E. System is the ‘oxygen’ for leaders. It’s provides system to build effective leadership skills so leaders can work and connect better with individuals, grow their teams and achieve better results.

Better people become better leaders, better leaders lead better teams, better teams develop better culture and ultimately that means better profit!


Have you read: Great Leadership Qualities (The Culture of Leadership 2021 Wrap Up)


When asked the question ‘how do we stand out as a leader?’ Brendan’s response is that leadership is action. Good leadership is the right action. During the development of the P.E.O.P.L.E. System, it was important to Brendan to choose verbs around things that are actionable type items. 

There are other parts of the system where he has been more deliberate about using nouns. One example is Practice which is an element of the P.E.O.P.L.E. System. There are eight practices leaders must do well.  

A big element of developing and elevating leaders in the workplace is understanding their capability to achieve something at the time. Leaders who don’t have this critical skill will run the risk of missing the ‘challenge zone’ and going straight to the ‘holy shit zone’, creating the feeling of impossibility.


Have you read: Leadership Observed & Actioned - Michael Crutcher


Top 3 Areas of Focus: How to Inspire Others as a Leader

So, what are those three actions, when done consistently, will move leaders from average to excellent:

  1. Connect - the ability to connect with people
  1. Galvanize - bring (fuse) people together
  1. Elevate - the ability to help people grow, develop, learn and potentially move into a leadership role


Communication is the way these three steps interconnect.

Quality communication, based on effective questions, truly caring and over delivering, has been the foundation of The Culture of Leadership (TCoT) Podcast. However, through recent reflections, Brendan has rebranded. This deliberate change of focus from The Culture of Leadership (TCoT) to The Culture of Leadership (TCoL) may not come as too much of a surprise for those listeners who have followed along since the beginning. Although the focus of the podcast has changed, the one thing that won’t change is the quality of communication.


The complete interview can be listened to here, on audio platforms, or watched here, on The Culture of Leadership (TCoL) YouTube channel.


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