The Culture of Networking

The Culture of Networking


“Advocacy is really about people communicating and trusting each other. You don’t have advocacy unless you have trust. You can’t have one without the other. It just doesn’t happen.”

Marc Charette


Seasoned networkers understand that you build a network because you want to add value not because you need or expect to receive something. Taking the time to participate in networking events should, therefore, be seen as the perfect opportunity to ‘dig the well before you need it’.


There is no easier way to be involved in large numbers of conversations than by attending networking events. Networking is the core way in which we communicate and not only for building business clients, prospects, work and industry colleagues but also in building a network of friends.


Welcome to today’s Podcast episode in which we are changing things around, in a quest to keep things interesting. We invite you to join our conversation as we hear valuable insights from not one but two respected guests for this week – Isaac Feeney, the Introvert and Marc Charette, the Extrovert. I personally know these seasoned networkers as together we host the wildly successful LinkedInLocal here on the Central Coast.


We are told that LinkedInLocal Central Coast is a networking event that feels different to other networking events and the feedback we often hear is that attending “wasn’t so scary!” Protective environments can create a wall where there should not be one. We believe in the value of breaking down barriers which can sometimes be found in closed membership-focused and structured groups.


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Marc, the owner of WorkPics360, sees networking as an opportunity to connect with new people as well as reconnecting and improving the quality of relationships with those already in your circle. Throughout this episode you will hear me refer to Marc as a ‘Networking Tart’ as he is someone who is in his element when interacting with groups of people. He is very comfortable in an environment with opposing belief systems and values, as he believes that if you only stay with the same people, you will find yourself speaking to the converted.


Isaac, the owner of East Gosford Websites, uses networking as a way of finding colleagues you can work alongside and, finds more value in meeting someone for breakfast in a one-on-one situation rather than participating in a small group chat over lunch. In a group situation Isaac suggests leading with less of a “Oh, maybe this guy can be a client” attitude and use more of a “What kind of people are you looking to meet?” approach. He prides himself as someone who never shies away from ‘sharing the love around’ to his network and often refers leads to more appropriate service providers in the same industry. Isaac sees networking as a valuable way to build trusted advocates.


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This Podcast episode is for those who are keen to prepare themselves for an effective networking event. Join us here to learn the value of mastering Sur/petition, hear simple and engaging question ideas, discover important body language insights as well as tips on how to respond to the salespeople who ‘Ninja Star’ you their business card as soon as you walk through the door.


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